The Max Planck is scared to fly

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By stekgr, March 22, 2012 9:22 am

Dear readers, This article is a translation of Massimo Ippolito’s response to a paper published by the Max Planck institute regarding the potential of high altitude winds. Here is what Massimo had to say regarding this work. Here the Italian Version The Max Planck is scared to fly Tullio De Mauro informs us, from the [...]

Taking-Off, Flying and Landing in Safety

By stekgr, March 13, 2012 10:52 am

You can also download the video from here Taking-Off, Flying and Landing in Safety. After many technological developments related to: the automatic take-off procedures, the controlled movement of the stem, the sensors installed and interlinked, radio bridges between the kite and land and many many other “hidden” aspects of KiteGen (each one essential as links [...]

NASA Langley Research Center and KiteGen

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By stekgr, March 4, 2012 6:33 pm

In this video posted on youtube recently by NASAinnovation a familiar image appears.
Although the carousel system, and in some ways also the Stem, are independent from the ropes number, we would like to take the opportunity to explain the reasons of KiteGen on opting for the two ropes system and the on ground actuators.


By stekgr, March 4, 2012 4:53 pm

Many of our readers are eager to receive information about KiteGen, but this post and others that will be published in these early days have the aim to frame the issue in a broader perspective, clarifying the use of technical terms and fixing some basic notions that will help to clarify the purpose and the issues we face in our blog.

The Birth of KiteBlog

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By stekgr, March 1, 2012 1:12 am

Dear friends, With the present post we are proud to announce the birth of a new “interactive channel” through which it will be possible to follow the latest news about KiteGen and other related topics. In fact the idea behind KiteBlog is to host not only technical articles about KiteGen technology but also contributions related [...]

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