Foreseen medium term development
The status of the KiteGen project, beyond the formation and worldwide maintenance of the intellectual property, has now moved to the pre-industrial prototype of the KiteGen STEM 3MW generator, currently under test and tuning.
Our patents portfolio is solid and well built and it is now internationally granted.
The next steps include completion of the development of the pre-series prototypes in order to certify the performance and functionality, together with the standardization of procedures for flight authorization by the relative authorities (in Italy: ENAV, ENAC and the military authority), and finally the launch of the industrial production of the first batch of 50 generators. The availability of small and large investors and the identification of sites suitable for development will allow one or more KiteGen farms, which will be set up as NewCo together with the relative investors.
Foreseen timings
KiteGen includes several domains of engineering and science and is finding, in these, innovative and often unusual solutions. In fact, KiteGen has transformed the project into a laboratory of the most advanced applications in mechanical, electronic, control, eronautical and materials application.
Given the rich complexity of results, a relatively big amount of work has yet to be developed in order to stabilize a final Bill of Materials ready for industrialization. After having tried and tested several alternative versions of procedures and components, the KiteGen team now knows with reasonable certainty and better details, how to run a suitable generator for tropospheric wind able to achieve a production cost of energy equal to market standards.
This means that the development time is now only strongly dependent on the mobilization of resources, since the main issues on the research on the concept are largely overcome. The “craftsman” approach necessarily conducted so far is always affected by approximations in some functional links of the chain which limit its operation. The process of industrialization is therefore a paramount key step, in order to start the learning curve of the technology and enhance the performance of the machine.
The planned activities conducted with adequate support could see the installation of 50 machines (or 150 MW nominal) in less than two years, with a cash flow breakeven already achievable by the fourth year. This can be achieved without relying on subsidies, as the high EROEI of KiteGen Stem, assessed through its LCA, of more than 300 will necessarily also be reflected in the ROI.
The Industrial Plan “50 Stem”, was prepared with great details, documented and reasoned expositions on all aspects and components of machines, considering their current stage of development and remaining needed commitment both in time and economic terms. This documentation is available and exclusive for members with a significant stake in Soter, this in order to evaluate and possibly participate in the initiative at various levels while ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.