KiteGen Carousel
The configuration combines a series of KiteGen generators, considered as a “base” module, where the tension in the cables is maintained constant and their length changes only to grant the wings control, in order to obtain the optimal trajectories for energy generation.
As the power kites circle in the air, at an altitude of 800 – 1000m, the vertical rotating axis of the structure activates large scale alternators, that have been geared down to receive the force exerted on them. At its full capacity the flight of the entire power kites array is guided, so as to turn the carousel at the desired speed, with a capacity factor estimated at 5,000 hours per year.
Maximum reachable size is under study, but first evaluations shows that 1,000 MW (1GW) can be exceeded, without significant structural risks, with a diameter of approximately 1,600m.
As well as the KiteGen onshore generator, the Carousel generator finds an ideal application on off-shore platforms. The machine indeed doesn’t have thrust moments and requires minor mooring systems, while the huge available sea spaces represent an ideal solution for the generator positioning.
KiteGen Carousel Off-shore generators represent the last step of the actual KGR work program for the implementation of the KiteGen project.